Welcome to the second part of our installment dedicated to Denmark as a wine distribution market. As we’ve shown in the introductory first part, Denmark takes the seventh spot on the top 10 countries with the biggest “per capita” wine consumption, ahead of larger countries like Germany, United Kingdom and USA. Now we shall focus on the particularities of Denmark’s wine distribution market and wine consumption specifics. Statistics Denmark stated that in 2009, in this country, 189 million liters of wine were consumed. Compared to 2005, this figure represents, in annual average, a 2.2 percent increase. In 2012, this country with 5.5 million inhabitants registered as wine imports a gross figure of 180 million liters. The trend continued in 2013, the interest of the average danish consumer in wine remained strong, and, out of the entire quantity of alcoholic beverages sold on this market, wine represents, in percentages, almost half.
Denmark was traditionally considered a renowned country for beer consumption, as well as being very well represented in the beer production industry. But even in comparison with beer, wine consumption trend is ascendant. According to “Euromonitor”, as a favorite of the danish consumer, wine steadily replaced beer, the consumption of the latter decreasing percentually since the year 2005 with an annual average of 4.6. The health benefits of wine consumption, which, incidentally, will the the focus of another series of articles on our “Best Wine Importers” website, and the overall image of wine as a healthy alternative, less prone to contribute to individual obesity, as opposed to beer, was an important factor for this increase in consumer appreciation, especially amongst the consumers of female gender.
A recent poll by the CBS Wine Statistics Analysis Group revealed that, for every Dane of legal alcohol purchasing age, Denmark law having to legal drinking age provisions, the average number of wine bottles purchased during 2012 was of 50,5, which represents a quantity of 75 cl. Compared to 2011, we notice just a small decrease of one bottle per person per year.
In the next installment of this multi-part article, we will take a look at the types of wine most appreciated by the danish wine-drinker, at the market shares of the particular types of wine and on the specific particularities of the wine distribution market as pertaining to the pricing determined by the wine distributors and wine importers that focus their activities on the lucrative market that is Denmark.
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