New entries added to the Wine Retailers Database from Germany! In the updated database, you will now find 150 new wine stores that are currently active in the wine retail market of this country. This brings the number of companies listed in this database to 997, each and every one of them with updated contact information! Here is the link to the download page of the updated version of the database, in Excel format.
Here are some of the new wine retailers companies that have been added on our database: Bordeaux-Wein-Direkt Haas&Machill GmbH from Köln, Gute Weine – Lobenberg GmbH & Co.KG from Bremen, Jacovin Weinhandel Bernhard Jacob GmbH from Völklingen, Wein-Bauer GmbH from Tübingen, Weinhandel Sabitzer GmbH from München, Weinhaus Gut-Sülz GmbH from Königswinter, Weinstein GmbH from Kinheim.