On the 6th of November, Bestwineimporters had the pleasure to be part of the “Foro Anual COMEX” webinar organized by Bodegas de Argentina, an online event created to support and promote the foreign trade activity of wineries. This year’s focus was: “Challenges and Tools for International Marketing”.
During the two days of the event, many important voices linked to the wine industry of the country and the world have discussed the news in the industry, tools for development and international marketing, the challenges to adapt to the market, alternatives, opportunities, exchange and logistics aspects, and nonetheless about market competition, within the framework of the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Among the organizers and participants were Mario Lázzaro, General Manager ProMendoza, Martín Clement from Clement y Asociados and Eduardo Conil, from Ciatti. The event was opened by Patricia Ortiz, President Bodegas de Argentina and by Martín Hinojosa from the Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura.
During our presentation, our colleague Renata Benedek showcased why Bestwineimporters is an efficient solution for connecting clients around the world and explained how our online, easy to use platform saves wineries countless hours of research and allows them to access verified and up to date information about thousands of companies, wine importers, and distributors around the world.