Our website offers database packs targeted to specific countries that have a significant wine distribution sector and, more importantly, are kept up to date by our diligent market research team. Therefore, the “Bestwineimporters.com” team is pleased to announce our future and present customers that the entries for Czech Republic‘s wine importers and distributors have been verified.
As an example, below you will find a list of some of the companies that changed changed their address, their telephone numbers or their e-mail addresses: Ad Vivum s.r.o. – company that imports wines from France and Spain; Giv Cz s.r.o. – company that imports wines from Australia, Italy, France, Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa, Moldova; BMC Brno, s.r.o. – company that imports wines from Spain.
Via the following link, you can now download this new update, in Excel format.