Two recently published articles for the Bestwineimporters.com site offered our readers an overall presentation of the top wine importers and of the top wine producers on a global level. We shall now go into more detail and focus our attention on the top bottled wine importers. Recently, the Italian magazine Il Corriere Vinicolo published a list with the top wine importing countries in the world. A comparison was made in terms of the value of the wine imports, spanning over a period of five years: 2008-2013. We are referring here to the bottled and sparkling wine segment. As expected, numbers are significantly lower in the second swine segment.
As we can see from the table above, the most important bottled wine importers in terms of imports value are the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, China, Japan. Among these, China has experienced the largest growth in value of its imports. If in 2008 its wine imports value amounted to 275,851,000 dollars, in 2013 China reported a 1,800,279,000 dollars worth of bottled wine imports. It’s the highest CAGR (compound annual growth rate) among the top importers, one of 38 percent. The United States posted a 1.3 percent growth rate. The value of its bottled wine imports has grown from 3.841.483.000 dollars in 2008 to 4,106,491,000 dollars in 2013. The United Kingdom posted a decrease of 2.2 percent CAGR, from 3,927,090,000 dollars in 2008 to 3,505,940,000 dollars in 2013. Canada is also a top bottled wine importer. Its compound annual growth rate has grown 5.3 percentage points. If Germany’s imports in terms of value have stagnated, Hong Kong’s growth rate is up 23.4 percent, from 341,159,000 dollars to 974,951,000 in 2013.
Image courtesy of halfrain – Some rights reserved
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